Where is Rolly Waters?

Rolly Waters is still around. He’s just gone underground for a while. He hasn’t retired. He hasn’t quit. I’ve got an 89,000 word manuscript featuring Rolly stored on my computer. It’s called Ballast Point Breakdown and I think it’s a darn fine mystery novel. But it probably won’t see publication anytime soon.

This all started when the option for Rolly Waters novel #4 was dropped by my publisher last year. I did some looking around, but found it’s tricky getting a new publisher to pick up a series partway through. And I wasn’t ready to take on self-publishing again.

So I took some time off, at least from the business end of the writing game. I had personal reasons, as well, for taking a little break, transitions both challenging and affirming.

But I’ve kept writing. Woodshedding, I’d call it. Practicing. Learning. In fact, I’ve been pretty darn busy on the creative side. I hope to send out some official announcements in the next few months, but here’s a few things I’ve been working on.

1. A short story entitled The Old Monsters Bar, which will be published in January.

2. The script for a podcast version of Desert City Diva. No dates on this yet, but I am working with an independent producer to make it happen.

3. A collaborative project with San Diego artists and writers which will have a gallery show in early 2019.

4. A historical mystery novel, set in San Diego in 1891, which I’m shopping to agents right now. The working title is The Stingaree Solution. I have high hopes for this one. I had a lot of fun doing the research and writing it.

So I apologize to anyone who’s been hoping to hear from Rolly Waters. He will be back. I’m just not sure when. Thanks to everyone who’s been a fan, and a friend.

Desert City Diva takes the Bronze

I’m pleased to announce that Desert City Diva received a Bronze Award in the 2015 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards. The Indiefab awards are judged by a select group of librarians and booksellers from around the country and honor the very best of indie publishing each year.

A Finalist and a Five Star Review

Nice! Desert City Diva has been selected as a finalist in Foreword Reviews’ INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards in the Mystery genre.

Here’s the full list of the finalists in various genres.

Foreword Reviews gave DCD a great 5-star review in February. It’s especially gratifying when a review is as well-written as this one and reflects back all the things you thought you were doing when you wrote the book. I’ll just drop a couple of my favorite pull quotes here:

Desert City Diva is a delightfully strange spin on the noir genre.

Fayman’s Rolly is a weird, but welcome, addition to the pantheon of literary PIs.

Damn right. Nice to know somebody else sees it that way too.

Radio Interview on Inside Art with Dave Drexler

Dave Drexler, host of the Inside Art radio show, did an interview with me last Sunday on San Diego’s Jazz88.3 FM. We talked about Desert City Diva and the Rolly Waters mystery series. We also talked about why San Diego makes a good location for crime novels. You can listen to the interview below.


Desert City Diva Revealed!

This is it. The official cover for the third Rolly Waters Mystery – Desert City Diva. On sale now in the UK and arriving in the USA on January 1, 2016. Not bad, eh?

Book Cover - Desert City Diva

A darkly humorous noir mystery featuring laidback, guitar-playing private investigator Rolly Waters.

Rolly Waters has many reasons to regret going out for Mexican food at 2.30 in the morning. Not least because then he would never have met dance-club DJ Macy Starr – possibly the most infuriatingly unpredictable and secretive client he has ever taken on.

Macy Starr wants Rolly to find out what happened to the young woman she knew as Aunt Betty, the woman who rescued her as a child and who then disappeared without trace. The only clue she has to go on is a curious one-stringed guitar.

Rolly’s investigation leads to a weird world of alien-obsessed cults, a strange desert hideaway known as Slab City – and to a 20-year-old unsolved murder case. But how can he solve the mystery if he can’t even trust his own client?

I’ll be doing some book signings in Southern California in January. Check the Events page for more information.