Category: Music
#1 Christmas Album
It’s that time of year again. When every pop star on the planet releases a Christmas Album. Artists from Frank Sinatra to the Beach Boys, from Weezer to Snoop Dog, have all recorded Christmas albums. Some, like those …
Magic Machine
What is this monstrosity in the photo above? Technically it’s a 24 input, 16 output Audiotronics mixing console from Ardent Studios in Memphis Tennessee. But for rock and roll geeks like me, it’s a magical machine. It was …
Preservation Plus
The Preservation Hall Jazz Band has been around since the early 1960s, an outgrowth of the Preservation Hall venue in New Orleans. In its early incarnations, the band served as an essential employer for older New Orleans musicians …
Frankie Miller Sings Sweet
First off, you need to listen to the recording below, of Frankie Miller singing Play Something Sweet (Brickyard Blues). Go on, I’m not saying anything until you’ve listened to this. This one of my favorite old-but-new-to-me songs I’ve …
Fanny was First
It’s been is a good year for The Go-Go’s. First came the fabulous Murder a Go-Go’s anthology of stories based on their songs and now the band is getting a long overdue documentary. I’m looking forward to seeing …